FlipTitle is a flip text generator that lets you flip the text upside down with a single click. You can use the FlipTitle for IM, MSN, Yahoo screen names,for creating strong passwords and to encrypt your download links to prevent leechers.You can also freak your friends and put this upside down names in your profiles like MySpace, Bebo, Hi5 ,Facebook, Youtube.
Just enter the text you want to Flip and it will do the rest for you.And the main thing is you don’t have to create an account to use this service and is absolutely free of charge.
Links : FlipTitle Homepage
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બ્લોગ વિશે કે પોસ્ટ વિશે આપના સર્વ પ્રકારના
પ્રતિભાવો અને સહકાર સદા આવકાર્ય છે.
આશા છે આપની આ બ્લોગની મુલાકાત આનંદદાયક રહેશે.