If you've ever had to manually create large numbers of new folders in Windows you know how time consuming and frustrating it can be. New Folder Wizard can help you create thousands of folders quickly and easily. Options include numbering the folders, prefix and suffix text, zero padding, and using a text file as the source for folder names. Use this program to help you organize images or other files of your choice by easily creating the folders for you. Using the text file option makes new folder creation as easy as typing. Or, if you use an external program like Microsoft Excel you can create your own naming and incrementing scheme. Simply export your list as a text file and let New Folder Wizard create the folders for you!
Download Link : New Folder Wizard Requires .NET FrameWork 2.0
Similar Tool : XMD
Another Way to do this By Jason
Hmmm . . . this looks pretty cool. Normally I use Excel for something like this. Create all the "names" I want, or paste them from another list, and then concatenate them together with the "md" command (make directory).
So, column A could be filled with numbers, names, letters, whatever the variable part of the folder title was going to be.
Then, in column B you’d copy and paste a formula:
="md "&"""day "&A1&" results"""
which would resolve to:
md "day 001 results"
md "day 002 results"
md "day 003 results"
copy this list into notepad, save it as a BAT file, and run it in the folder where you want the files.
Yes, I agree that in the individual case the profiled program is likely faster, but this is a relatively infrequent need for me, and the flexibility of using anything in an excel spreadsheet as the source is sometimes useful (you could still use this program to paste them into a text file).
Cool program nonetheless!
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